Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I have been neglecting you sweet blog! So I have been running.. a lot! I ran the Mother's Day 5k and it was great! I realized that the awesome shoes I bought.... suck! They are too narrow and I now have a black toenail. So I went back to the old Nike's and have been running in them. I ordered a pair of Mizuno's and they should be here any day now. I am hoping they will feel better! ugh I wish this were simple. I think I have also realized that I am overdoing it. I am going to scale back the running and do more yoga and stretching and cross training.. you know like ALL OF THE PROGRAMS SAY YOU SHOULD. I never listen.. ask my mom. So tomorrow will be 90 minutes of yoga. my calves are so tight.. they need it. I am excited! I miss yoga!