Saturday, February 5, 2011

Week one, done!

So I mentioned I was starting another challenge. It's 30 days. The first couple of days I did Jillian Michael's Shred video. It's a great workout. It's only 20 minutes, and it combines strength training, cardio, and abs. I did level 2 for the first 2 days then I did level 1 the following day. The only problem I have with the video is if you do level one every day, you are doing the same moves every day. So I started thinking about that, and I have been following the workouts. I have been too afraid to try them. Then I decided to just try it, what did I have to lose, other than weight? So Tuesday I started out with The Ass busting workout. WOW My throat was on fire, I could barely breathe, my shoulders were on fire. It was awesome! Wednesday I did the marine-corps-workout from  This as INTENSE! I'm hooked! Plus if I can get even a little bit close to loking like Zuzana, then Hell yes! On to Thursday... I did another BR workout. legs-cardio-challenge it's amazing what a chair can do! My legs were like jello. Trying to climb the stairs from the basement was difficult. I still loved it! Friday I did another of Zuzana and Freddy's workouts, the  legs-on-fire-exercise-challenge was appropriately named!  Today I did new-300-rep-workout then I ate a bunch of crap food and felt guilty, so I did Jillian Michaels after the kids went to bed. It's been a great week! I'm going to try to be a bit more on top of things blog wise. So 7 days down 23 to go! (but the plan is to not stop, and then ultimately look INCREDIBLE in a bikini, then OUTSTANDING in a wedding dress! Good plan huh?

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